BDSI raises fears over rapid cocoa price rises impacting confectionery markets
The German confectionery trade body, BDSI, has expressed fears over the rapidly accelerating price of cocoa, which is impacting on stock availability for chocolate manufacturers in the country and across Europe, writes Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
FDF welcomes drop in sector inflation, yet cocoa prices remain notably high
The UK’s Food and Drink Federation has welcomed figures revealing an easing of inflation within the sector, down to 8%, last month, from near-record highs experience last year, which impacted significantly on the cost of living crisis for consumers, writes Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, Processing, Regulatory
Caobisco joins European organisations calling on EU to agree major Mercosur trade deal
Caobisco, the European chocolate, biscuits and confectionery sector organisation, has joined a total of 22 industry associations in calling on the EU and the South American Mercosur nations to conclude the long-running trade negotiations to unlock perceived major mutual economic benefits, reports Neill Barston.
Germany’s BDSI confectionery trade group warns of major industry crisis
Germany’s BDSI confectionery trade body has warned the country’s industry is facing a severe combination of major challenges including the ongoing pandemic, rapidly rising energy costs and increased raw ingredients prices, reports Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Food safety, Ingredients, New products, Packaging, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
Chocosuisse raises concerns as Swiss chocolate sales fall
Latest figures from Chocosuisse, the association of Swiss Chocolate manufacturers has raised concerns as annual sales fell by CHF 260 million (14.5%), to CHF 1.53 billion, amid key market challenges, reports Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
Fairtrade calls on UK government for action on ‘hidden’ carbon emissions in food supply chains, including cocoa
The Fairtrade Foundation has issued a plea to the UK government to actively tackle ‘hidden’ carbon emissions in British food supply chains – including cocoa growing markets, in an urgent bid to address global climate change, reports Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, New products, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
Swiss confectionery sector sets key sustainable sourcing goal
Swiss chocolate manufacturers have set a goal of importing only sustainably grown cocoa into the country, with an interim target of 80% of its supplies to be firmly within this category by 2025, according to Chocosuisse, the national sector association, writes Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, New products, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability